Festival Activities
All activities are designed to be fun for people of any age.

Join our Opening Drum Circle (Both Mornings!)
The Greenbelt Drum Circle is an organic meeting of locally grown percussionists that occasionally assemble to Shake, Rattle and Roll, usually in public. They can be found at the opening of Green Man Festival drumming in the Spring and invoking the spirit of the Green Man. Bring your drum, bell, shaker, or other percussion instrument and join the circle on Saturday morning. The drumming officially begins at 10 am but the true enthusiast usually show up much earlier. If you don't drum, come to dance and just enjoy the rhythms.
Create your very own Fairy Garden (Both Days)
Calling all kids and the young at heart! Come create your very own Fairy Garden to welcome these tiny spirits back from their long winter slumber. All materials will be provided to make a small terra-scape, or garden. Through caring for this small garden we connect to the natural world and learn about the magic of how Mother Earth works. Families with young children are encouraged to work together to create a unique Fairy Garden to take home and lovingly tend to. They also make a great Mother's Day gift! No charge but donations are greatly appreciated and ensure that this very popular activity continues to return to the festival year after year.
Fairy Wishes (Both Days)
Write your wishes for the community on strips of cloth and hang them. Share in the community and love this beautiful rite brings all of us!

Storytelling (Both Days)
Pull up a chair and listen to stories told in oral tradition from the Yarn Lady as she spins yarn on her wheel.

Mosaics Workshop (Both Days)
Art can be simple! Try mosaics for everyone with guidance by Richard McMullin. From simple wood, foam, and paper shapes, seeds and sticks and stones for the young ones, to glass and ceramics for older kids, the workshop will bring out your inner artist.
It's simple fun and everyone can do it!
Sidewalk Chalk (Both Days)
Join in the fun in creating a colorful sidewalk art explosion!

Face Painting, Body Art, and More (Both Days)
Transform yourself into an earth fairy, a superhero, or get an amazing eye design, mask... your wish is our pleasure! We offer henna art, glitter tattoos/charms, hair wraps and matching bracelets, body painting, prenatal art for expectant mothers, and more!
Stop by to see Cookie D Clown on Saturday and Trin Holder on Sunday to express your creativity for all to see!
Vermiculture Demonstration
Come learn about vermiculture and composting.